F1rstPageSEO.com 's Google Search Engine Ranking Page (SERP's)
Results after 1 year using our SEO Methodology
A Keyword Phrase is a series of words used in a search engine
to produce relevant information for the user. Keyword phrases with
less than three words produce specious results for most users
looking for something in particular. Keyword phrases with more
than three word produce even more stratified and accurate result
for the available information.
If you are considering a competent Search Engine Optimization company to handle your SEO
Internet advertising; you should ask yourself or that company the
following questions:
"Is that SEO company highly ranked in Google (SERP's) for keyword
phrases that you choose to find an SEO consultants, experts
or company in your local area? It it ranked for:
- SEO or Google Adwords companies?
- SEM or Google Adwords services?
- SEO, Google Adwords, SEM services, or experts?
- SEO, Google Adwords consultants, experts or services?
Our experience tells us that using the aforementioned SEO keyword
phrases combined with your city or local area used with the Google
Search Engine will produce relevant results finding SEO expert,
consultant or company to suit your needs. These are all questions
you should consider when choosing to spend your hard earned advertising
dollars on a SEO expertand Adwords company. If you ask these questions
you will see the only answer is First Page SEO.
F1rst Page SEO Optimization Results - November 11th 2009
Not bad for initial rankings!
Listed below are the results of the most recent analysis.
As you can see F1rst Page SEO had no 1st page rankings one year
ago. As you will bear witness f1rstpageseo.com's best ranking was
on the 2nd page for the phrase "SEO consultant bay area." We ranked
32nd for the keyword phrase "SEO company bay area"