Bay Area Synthetic Grass

SEM vs SEO - Cost Analysis
SERP Rankings


Bay Area Synthetic Grass was started in July of 2006. This commercial website in the bay area of California has been the main source of advertising for the small synthetic grass installation company located in Northern California. Their business is very simple: synthetic grass sales and installation for residential hoes and commercial businesses. Bay Area Synthetic Grass generated about $900,000 in revenue over the last 2.5 years. The revenue generated was a function of several factors, but Internet advertising is the main reason for its success and longevity.

Bay Area Synthetic Grass is First Page SEO's primary example of successful search engine optimization in terms of best local overall rankings. The site has attained number one local rankings for keywords that most clients find easily or use repeatedly and therefore present more revenue opportunities for the company.

Ranking Factors

Age of the website is probbly the most important ranking factor Google and other search engines use to rank a website. Below is a list of the top ten websites for the keyword phrase "synthetic grass". As you can see Bay Area Synthetic Grass has the youngest domain name in the group. This means in order to overcome the rankings of all of the other domains the structural aspect of the website and the content therein must be of a higher quality (according to Google) of the existing pack.

Table I - Age of & The Top Ten Websites for the Keyword Phrase"synthetic grass"

Age of the website is probbly the most important ranking factor Google and other search engines use to rank
  a website. Below is a list of the top ten websites for the keyword phrase

SEM vs SEO - Cost Analysis | Back to Top

This search engine optimization (SEO) has saved the company about $12,000 $/year in Google Adwords fees as they rarely advertise via that service anymore. Apparently a 1st page ranking in the organic section of Google and other search engines preclude the need to spend that money. The search engine optimization (SEO) analytics analysis confirms this view unequivocally.

SERP Rankings | Back to Top

Rankings for the Google search engine, for the broad 4 keyword phrases "bay area synthetic grass" and "synthetic grass" are shown below"

Google - Results

SERP Results Search Engine Optimization for Bay Area Synthetic Grass

Rankings for the Yahoo search engine, for the broad 4 keyword phrases "bay area synthetic grass" and "synthetic grass" are shown below"

Yahoo - Results

SERP Results Search Engine Optimization for Bay Area Synthetic Grass

Rankings for the Bing search engine, for the broad 4 keyword phrases "bay area synthetic grass" and "synthetic grass" are shown below"

Bing - Results

SERP Results Search Engine Optimization for Bay Area Synthetic Grass

To prove these results for yourself use the search terms below to verify the position on Bing. on the links below to see how Bay Area Synthetic Grass is ranked for the keywords chosen. The broad term "bay area synthetic grass" is solidly ranked #1 in the world in Google and Bing. These are excellent rankings for specific and locally targeted 4 word phrase in an area where competition is fierce. With the proper optimization maintenance, rankings usually increase over time.

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Bay Area Synthetic Grass

Synthetic Putting Greens

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