Engineering Ltd. Google Search Engine
The Internet Engineering, Ltd. Google Search Engine continues a Google
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E-commerce Website Design and Marketing Services
Ecommerce Websites - Defined
Ecommerce Websites allow our clients to showcase and sell product and services over the internet. These site are usually extremely complicated and difficult to implement and maintain. The ease of search engine optimization for the website depends on whether or not the site is existing or developed from scratch. Implementation consists of determining a logical structure to access products and services on the website, inputting product data and information, custom web page development and ongoing maintenance.
The cost to design develop and implement a fully integrated ecommerce website, database and shopping cart is usually prohibitive for a small or medium business. My approach to simplify this effort is to manage an "off the shelf" Ecommerce package for the client. The client is responsible to provide funds for to keep the site running or I can manage that task by proxy for you. The cost of these "off the shelf" ecommerce websites usually are in the $100 $/mo range. Once the Ecommerce Package is selected the implementation described above can begin.
E-commerce Web Site Implementation (New)
- Provide training on how to input products into relational databases
- Input products and services by proxy as required
- Perform Custom Website Development for Ecommerce package purchased
- E-commerce Web Site Maintenance (New)
- Monitor and implement ongoing info input and inventory
E-commerce Web Site Review (Existing)
Ecommerce Web Site Needs Analysis
- Determine what products are being sold
- Recommendation of Ecommerce Store SW
Ecommerce Website Implementation (New)
- Provide instruction on how to input products into relational databases
- Perform Custom Web Site Development for Ecommerce package purchased
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